Sunday, July 20, 2014

My First Bloom 2014 - Star Lily/Mountain Lily (Leucocrinum montanum)

Here's the online image I used to make my comparison
So this  unidentified plant has been around the house for years, blooms every Spring, and I never really knew what it was before today. After quite a bit of online image research and comparing photos, I am near certain this specimen is the Star Lily wildflower, known also the Mountain Lily. The only reason I can't be a hundred percent certain is because Wikipedia mentions this species is stemless but there are about 5 flowers budding or already bloomed on the stem in the image as you can see below. I'm going to guess it may have grow a stem because of the extra water its been receiving as a houseplant if it is in fact a Star lily. 

I originally believed this to be a star of Bethlehem flower but the features between the two didn't quite match.
This is a Native US species and will bloom randomly for weeks then suddenly stop during Spring.

Heres another shot of the Sand Lily as I prefer to call it. It has 6 white, star shaped petals,  yellow stamens, and thing long grass-like tepals or leaves

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