Saturday, July 19, 2014

Common Flower Gems - Classification #2 Field Bindweed/Hedge Bindweed (Convolvulus arvensis)

White Hedge Bindweed I spotted at a distance 
Due to common confusion among the two, I've included both Field Bindweed and Hedge Bindweed, its larger counterpart. At first glance, this perennial vine is strikingly similar to the Moonflower with its funnel shaped corolla and arrowhead shaped leaves. But don't be fooled, this impostor below is actually Hedge Bindweed, a common weed in many regions. Difficult to remove due to its deep root system and rhizomes, its rhizome or root stalk (ginger being a type of root stalk) will form more roots and create new plants whenever they are pulled out of the ground. Very difficult to get rid of once infestation is 
Here's some Hedge Bindweed in light pink for all you ladies out there! An amazing and stunning field flower.
There were lots of Hedge Bindweed because it was late June and growth was at its peak.

Recent Photo of Hedge Bindweed

Another recent photo of Hedge Bindweed

More Hedge Bindweed
Here is the similar White Field Bindweed which is confused for Hedge Bindweed. Its  flowers and foliage are smaller and it has two Bracht's behind the flowers instead of just one large one at the base of each flower.
Field Bindweed is smaller than Hedge Bindweed; hence the name lesser bindweed.

Each vine stem will produce about 1-3 flowers.

I spotted some more hedge bindweed near a parking lot fence around my neighborhood too!

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