Thursday, July 24, 2014

I've Over-watered my Alyssum! Oh no, poor Ally :(

Proxy image of an over-watered plant. Signs are curled leaves, light green color, and droopy stem.
My Alyssum, Ally, is showing signs of over-watering and is not looking good. Basically the symptoms are light green leaves, droopy stems, curled-up leaves, and moist soil. Seeing that Alyssums prefer dry soil and how much I water my plants, its no wonder this occurred. The general green rule of thumb is to water plants whenever the topsoil is dry to the touch. I'll hold back on the daily watering and pay more attention to the moisture in the container before adding more water from now on.

In an attempt to save the plant, I've transplanted the plant into a different container with a drainage hole, trimmed it to focus the root growth, and am keeping it away from direct sunlight to avoid transplant shock. I just hope its not too late and the roots haven't rotted away. I've planted some more seeds in case it doesn't survive the transplant.

* The Alyssum was actually able to bounce back and now looking pretty good. It was sagging because it was pretty top heavy so I decided to trim it back down and avoid over watering.

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